Group Coaching

For those of you who prefer the support and encouragement of a group environment, I offer group coaching.

Each six-week group coaching series allows a maximum of 10 participants to come together to:

  • Discover what you want in life.
  • Expose hidden obstacles and unhealthy emotional habits.
  • Create goals and plans that finally move you in the direction of where you want to be.
  • Increase self-awareness.

Benefits of Group Coaching

  • Group coaching allows individuals to push themselves harder when they see what others are doing.
  • Group coaching helps individuals ease any sense of isolation.
  • Group coaching allows participants to develop improved communication and socialization skills by witnessing others share their emotions and life experiences openly and honestly.
  • Group coaching helps each participant be held accountable for what they say, how they behave, and when they are self-sabotaging.
  • Group coaching costs less than individual private coaching.

Contact Janet to find out when the next 6-week group coaching series begins.

Contact Janet